Chapter 10 – Tom Sharp

Trivia – Students of Mormon history may recognize Tom Sharp as the editor of the Warsaw Signal, who famously called for violence against Joseph Smith in 1844, writing “Citizens arise, one and all!!! Can you stand by, and suffer such infernal devils! To rob men of their property rights, without avenging them. We have no time for comment! Everyman will make his own. Let it be with powder and ball.” Joseph was shot and killed fifteen days later.

But in 1841 Tom was sympathetic to the Mormons. It is not until the 19 May 1841 edition of the Warsaw Signal (four days after the fictional encounter in this chapter) that Sharp first makes any negative comments.

Since Louisa and Wesley lived a few miles from Warsaw, it seems plausible that they knew Tom Sharp. In real history, Louisa and her husband do not end up making the trip out to Utah.


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